Homepage Articles Accessible Fintech Websites: Unlocking Financial Services for All
Mar 15, 2024

Accessible Fintech Websites: Unlocking Financial Services for All

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In the fast-paced world of fintech, the race to innovate and capture market share often overshadows a crucial element of website design: accessibility. Many fintech companies overlook the diverse needs of their potential customers, focusing instead on cutting-edge features and rapid growth. However, prioritizing accessibility is not just a legal and ethical responsibility—it is also a significant opportunity. By designing fintech websites that are accessible to all, companies can expand their reach, enhance user satisfaction, and foster an inclusive digital environment where everyone, regardless of their abilities, can fully benefit from the convenience and flexibility of online financial services.

What is Web Accessibility?

Web accessibility refers to the practice of designing and developing websites that are usable by people with a wide range of abilities, including those with visual, auditory, motor, and cognitive impairments. It’s about creating an inclusive online experience that ensures no one is excluded or discriminated against.

Why Accessibility Matters in Fintech

  1. Reaching a Wider Audience: Making fintech websites accessible opens services to millions of people with disabilities, who have significant spending power. For example, Monzo, a UK-based fintech company, has implemented features like high-contrast mode and screen reader compatibility to cater to customers with visual impairments.

  2. Legal Compliance: Many countries mandate website accessibility. In the US, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires businesses to provide equal access to services, including online platforms. Ensuring your fintech website is accessible can help avoid legal issues and show commitment to inclusivity.

Imagine a world where everyone, no matter their abilities, can easily use and benefit from online financial services. In the exciting world of fintech, where new technologies and ideas are constantly emerging, it's easy to get caught up in the race to be the most innovative.

  1. Improved User Experience: Accessibility features such as clear navigation and easy-to-read text improve the user experience for all users, not just those with disabilities. This can lead to higher customer satisfaction, loyalty, and retention.

  2. Competitive Advantage: Companies that prioritize accessibility can differentiate themselves and build a reputation for inclusivity and social responsibility, attracting customers and investors who value ethical business practices.

  3. SEO and Performance Benefits: Accessibility improvements often lead to better website performance and SEO. Search engines favor websites that are user-friendly and accessible, potentially improving your search rankings.

Tips for Creating an Accessible Fintech Website

  1. Write in Plain Language: Imagine you're explaining your services to a friend who doesn't work in finance. Use short, simple sentences and paragraphs, just like you would in a friendly chat. If you must use technical terms, be sure to explain them clearly. Think of it as translating complex financial jargon into everyday language that anyone can understand.

  2. Provide Multiple Ways to Consume Content: Picture your website as a delicious buffet with various options to cater to different preferences. Some people might prefer to read text, while others might find images or videos more helpful. By offering different ways to access information, such as text descriptions for images and captions for videos, you ensure that everyone can enjoy the content they need. It's like having utensils and options available for every dish, so no one goes hungry.

  3. Follow Accessibility Guidelines: Think of accessibility guidelines as a recipe for baking the perfect cake. Just as a baker carefully follows each step to create a delicious treat, you can use the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 as your recipe for creating a website that everyone can enjoy. These guidelines provide clear instructions on how to make your website accessible, ensuring that no one is left out of the party.

By following these tips, you can create a fintech website that is not only accessible but also welcoming and user-friendly for all your customers.

  1. Use Contrasting Colors: Imagine trying to read a restaurant menu with light-colored text on a white background. It's frustrating and straining on the eyes, right? The same goes for your website. Use colors that create a strong contrast between the text and background, making it easier for people with low vision to read. It's like designing a menu that's both visually appealing and easy to read, ensuring a pleasant experience for all your customers.

  2. Involve People with Disabilities in Testing: Picture a chef perfecting a new recipe. They taste the dish themselves and ask for feedback from diners to make sure it's just right. Similarly, when creating your fintech website, involve people with disabilities in the testing process. They can provide valuable insights and direct feedback on accessibility and usability, helping you identify areas that need improvement. It's like having a team of expert tasters to help you refine your recipe and create the best possible experience for everyone.

Recommended Tools for Accessibility

  1. WAVE (Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool): Helps identify accessibility issues directly within your web browser.

  2. AXE by Deque: A comprehensive accessibility testing tool that integrates with browsers and development environments.

  3. NVDA (NonVisual Desktop Access): A free screen reader that helps developers understand how their website works for visually impaired users.

  4. Color Contrast Analyzer: A tool to check the contrast ratio of text and background colors to ensure readability.

  5. JAWS (Job Access With Speech): A widely-used screen reader that provides insights into how visually impaired users navigate your site.

Some tools for testing web accessibility

Step-by-Step Guide for Implementation

  1. Conduct an Accessibility Audit: Use tools like WAVE or axe to identify current accessibility issues.

  2. Prioritize Issues: Focus on high-impact areas first, such as navigation, forms, and content readability.

  3. Implement Changes: Make necessary adjustments according to WCAG guidelines.

  4. Test with Real Users: Gather feedback from users with disabilities to ensure the changes are effective.

  5. Continuous Monitoring: Regularly check your website for new accessibility issues and address them promptly.

Addressing Common Misconceptions

Some fintech companies believe accessibility is too costly or time-consuming to implement. However, research shows that the benefits far outweigh the costs. According to a W3C study, implementing accessibility can yield a return on investment of up to $70 for every $1 spent. Many features, such as adding alt text to images and using simple language, can be quickly and easily implemented.

Unlocking Accessible Fintech with Nilead

Creating an accessible fintech website can be challenging without experience in accessibility guidelines and best practices. Nilead, a web design and development solution provider with fintech industry expertise, can help.

Nilead's accessibility services include:

  • Accessibility audits and recommendations based on WCAG guidelines

  • Design and development of accessible fintech websites

  • User testing with people with disabilities

  • Ongoing support and maintenance to ensure continued accessibility

By partnering with Nilead, you can ensure your fintech website is accessible to all users and compliant with relevant laws and regulations.

Accessibility is a necessity in fintech website design, not an optional extra. Creating an inclusive online experience can help fintech companies tap into a larger customer base, improve user satisfaction, and show commitment to social responsibility. The benefits of accessibility, including increased customer loyalty, improved brand reputation, and cost savings from reduced legal risks, far outweigh the implementation costs.

For fintech companies looking to harness the power of accessibility, contact Nilead to learn more about their services and how they can help you create a website that works for everyone.


About the author


Ngan Nguyen

Ngan Nguyen, a member of Nilead team, focuses on content marketing, SEO standard content, content analysis, planning, and metrics. Drawing on practical experience and a continual pursuit of industry trends, her contributions aim to offer readers insights that reflect current best practices and a commitment to informative content.

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