Homepage Design Inspirations Restaurant Website (Tio Luchin)

Restaurant Website (Tio Luchin)

Primary black color, simple, flying objects

General Design

Tio Luchin is a restaurant in Peru. The website design with the primary black color creates a luxury feeling. In general, what impresses viewers the most is food objects flying all over the homepage.

What I like:

  • Classy typography make content ease and readable

  • Food objects flying animations when scrolling in the next part makes site playful

  • Unique contact/ booking form with clear CTA

  • The navigation scroll bar (on the left-hand side) helps visitors determine the website's content structure and no need to wait for pages to load

  • Lots of negative space to help focus on layering information and visual elements

What I don't like:

  • The video is too blurry to watch. It makes the website become lack professionalism.

  • The hero image at the end of the website is not high-quality

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