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How to add a new element on the Visual Editor

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How to add a new element on the Visual Editor.​

1. Select the section or element in which you want to add the new element/widget...

Select the section or element in which you want to add the new element/widget...

2. Click on the Add Element section on the left sidebar...

Click on the Add Element section on the left sidebar...

3. Click the element/widget you want to add...

Click the element/widget you want to add...

4. The blue highlight means the element is ready to be added...

The blue highlight means the element is ready to be added...

5. Go back to the Navigation panel...

Go back to the Navigation panel...

6. Some elements are added the moment you click them...

Some elements are added the moment you click them...

7. To add/paste your new element, click on the 3-dot menu of the element or section you want to add it inside

To add/paste your new element, click on the 3-dot menu of the element or section you want to add it inside

8. Choose the desired paste option for the new element

You can add/paste the new element as many times as you want as long as you don't remove it from the highlight section.

Choose the desired paste option for the new element


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